Back in the day, I blogged a bit. I hope you enjoy some of these musings below. Since 2019, and my step away from social media, I have instead shared my personal and practice-related writing via an occasional newsletter, for which you can sign up at the bottom of the page. If you have any questions or suggestions, please write and say hello here. I’d love to hear from you!

I'd Rather Go to the Dentist
I haven't posted in a while. A few people have asked. Thank you!

All the wrong shoes. My life as an alien.
A couple of weeks ago I was chatting with a student who had signed up for my February retreat in Costa Rica. She was concerned about what the daily schedule would be like. I told her that we would be starting each day in silence, with meditation and a yoga class before breakfast. Her eyes widened. They might have welled up a little. "I am SO not a morning person!" she said. I could feel her anxiety ratcheting up so I tried to be reassuring....